In the January 2012 edition of National Geographic magazine, Mark Jenkins and Lynn Johnson tell the story of landmine victims in Cambodia and the nature of the healing process of a country recently removed from war and the ever present reminders thereof. Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, guilty of many horrific crimes (estimates suggest he was guilty of killing over 1.5 million people between 1975 and 1979), would take children and teach them to lay, defuse, and deconstruct landmines. The country's economic and social welfare was buried beneath the cost of war-- in particular, landmines which made large areas of farm land unworkable for poor, starving Cambodians.
While Pol Pot died in 1998, and the Khmer Rouge fell apart, casualties from a war that began in the mid-1970's still happen today. Landmines buried beneath the surface of the earth are detonated by unsuspecting passer's-by. Many landmines will produce severe wounds and the amputation of limbs ("...[land mines] are designed to maim rather than kill, because an injured soldier requires the help of two or three others, reducing the enemy's forces..."), a majority of the victims are civilians ("Only 25 percent of land mine victims around the world are soldiers. The rest are civilians—boys gathering firewood, mothers sowing rice, girls herding goats.")
The article is fascinating and is well worth your time, not only for your own education but out of respect to the stories of the hardships that Cambodians have faced and continue to face today.
For readers, one possible response to this article (though you are encouraged to be more creative and think of other ways) which all are capable of is to spend some time praying for Cambodia:
- Pray for the government of Cambodia, that it might treat its citizens justly and wisely
- Pray for Cambodians, whose average per capita annual income is roughly $2000 per year
- Pray that those who have been wounded or lost family and friends in the violence might be able to forgive and instead contribute to peace and restoration in Cambodia.
- Pray for the spiritual welfare of Cambodia. It is estimated that 96% of the country are Buddhist. Pray that missionaries, through the power of the Holy Spirit, would be effective in telling Cambodians about the gospel of Jesus. Pray that many would receive Jesus and the healing he offers.
- Pray for missionaries and mission agencies that are working in Cambodia. The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is one such agency. Pray for missionaries Rachel Brink and Rick and Edith DeGraaf. Consider supporting them financially or by e-mailing them a word of encouragement and support.
For further information on the history of Cambodia, readers can access the Encyclopedia Brittannica article as a brief introduction to the subject.
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