Friday, January 13, 2012

On Mission: Telling People About Jesus in Seattle

In 1996, after hearing the audible command of God, Pastor Mark Driscoll planted a church in Seattle, Washington. He once described the city that as having "more dogs than Christians" (it also has a giant statue of Bolshevik revolutionary Vladimir Lenin on public display-- the city put more faith in recycling than Jesus). It was, at one point, the least churched city in America. Mars Hill, the church that Driscoll planted, has since grown to one of America's largest and fastest growing churches, with multiple campuses across multiple states. It continues to see new people meet and love Jesus. 

Mars Hill's growth and success are certainly a tremendous testimony. There story is an incredible story of God's faithfulness and his desire to see people come to love and serve him. Recently, Mars Hill told their story (so far) in a series entitled, God's Work, Our Witness. At some point over the weekend, you would be well-served and encouraged to watch their story and hear about the power of God to grow his Church.

The audio is also available here.

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