Monday, August 12, 2013

Exegetical Fallacies: Or, How to Avoid Embarrassing Mistakes and False Conclusions

Exegetical Fallacies is one book that has remained on my to-read list for some time. Once or twice I have even picked it up and began reading through it; however, the title rightfully evokes the sense that this is not a book of light reading and so the book remained incomplete for some time. This summer D. A. Carson’s book made it to the top of my reading list again and I was able to set aside the time and mental energy to complete it. It was certainly worth the effort!


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Exegetical Fallacies is a small, semi-technical book geared towards pastors and seminary students. Dr. Carson, a distinguished New Testament scholar, addresses the numerous ways students of the Scriptures run afoul when doing exegetical work (exegesis refers to the act of finding or interpreting the meaning of a text. Carson provides his definition on p. 23). Exegetical Fallacies gives interpreters the tools necessary to probe points of conflicting when two interpreters of Scripture arrive at contradictory conclusions from a text. When a situation arises where two diligent, sincere interpreters come to opposite, contradictory interpretations, it may be the case that (1) one interpreter is correct and the other has erred (2) neither is correct or (3) both interpreters are partially right and partially wrong, and they must both make changes to their position to better align themselves with the truth. When such disagreement happens, Carson says, “…what is important is that the two interpreters are involved in critical exegesis, exegesis that provides, or attempts to provide, adequate justification of all conclusions reached and of every opinion held” (p. 14). Interpreter must ask what evidence exists to support their interpretation of Scripture. Is there strong evidence to support their conclusions? Could their evidence be stronger? It may be the case that producing such evidence will not resolve every theological conflict, but it will at least allow us to separate the wheat (solid evidence) from the chaff (baseless theological traditions, poor exegesis, or other conclusions arrived at improperly). Exegetical Fallacies exists to shine light upon the chaff, exposing the poor arguments that lead to poor conclusions and in the process strengthening our confidence in the processes that lead to true conclusions and strong convictions. Carson writes, “By exposing our exegetical fallacies, we may become better practitioners of critical exegesis” (p. 14).

Dr. Don Carson
The book is divided into four categories: word-study fallacies, grammatical fallacies, logical fallacies, and presuppositional and historical fallacies. In each section, Carson provides a list of fallacies, describing each fallacy and then illustrating the fallacy in action by highlighting where someone has committed the particular sin against reason in print. The illustrations are particularly helpful to students who should note how subtle such errors can be when inserted amidst countless other paragraphs of written work. They also serve to reinforce the need for a volume such as the one Dr. Carson has produced for us.

Readers should not feel obligated to follow the chapter divisions (I skipped grammatical fallacies and only returned to it when I had finished everything else). Also, the chapter on grammatical fallacies is only useful to those who have an elementary knowledge of Greek. One shortcoming of Exegetical Fallacies is that it does not deal with any issues related to Hebrew exegesis. This would have served to increase the value of an already profitable work for those aspiring to teach the Scriptures.

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